Eroilor Extention

Team: Alex Axinte, Cristi Borcan
Mihai Bita, Bogdan Micu, Florentina Radu
Trifu Chitanovici
Bulevardul Eroilor, Bucharest
Built area:
148 sqm

Z:BAsarprezentare�05.PORTOFOLIUBA008_EROILOREROILOR_SITE PLThe house in Eroilor Boulevard in Bucuresti is like a temporal diorama of the complicated history of Romania in the last 70 years. Build in 1938 in a regulated and homogenous parceling of the city by a middle class family, is nationalized in 1950 and shared for almost 50 years by 4 tenant families, then is reclaimed in the 90’s by the heirs of the initial owners and restituted to them, finally being bought in the 2000’s by a young notary who transforms it in her office and her apartment.

The conversion of the attic into a livable space resulted from the owner’s wish to enlarge the house and to keep the actual house and its character. The intervention consisted in translating the shape of the existing roof vertically, obtaining thus a livable space marked by a row of windows placed after the pace of the wooden structural elements. The light in the middle of the attic is coming from the windows in the roof, which are placed in the positions of the former unused chimneys.

Z:BAsarprezentare�05.PORTOFOLIUBA008_EROILOREROILOR_SITE PLIntervention principle. Existing situation and Proposal.Z:BAsarprezentare�05.PORTOFOLIUBA008_EROILOREROILOR_SITE PLFacade proposalZ:BAsarprezentare�05.PORTOFOLIUBA008_EROILOREROILOR_SITE PLWood structureZ:BAsarprezentare�05.PORTOFOLIUBA008_EROILOREROILOR_SITE PLPlanZ:BAsarprezentare�05.PORTOFOLIUBA008_EROILOREROILOR_SITE PLDetaileroilor_randareProposaleroilor_int_21eroilor_int_11eroilor_ext_21eroilor_ext_11