Reclaimed Spaces

Organizer: Oberliht Association
Coordinator: Alexandru Munteanu
Tutors: Cristi Borcan (studioBASAR), Tudor Elian.
Team: Ana Maria Ţoni, Alexandra Ţăranu, Mariana Şeremet, GIuseppe Tateo, Eugenia Tobultoc, Gheorghe Zugravu, Victoria Tozlovanu, Elena Grama, Ion Andruşceac, Andrei Castraveţ.
Location: intersection between Zamfir Arbore and Sf. Andrei streets, Chişinău 
Period: 7 -11 September 2013.

The workshop was a follow up of the interventions realised in Chişinău’s public space in august 2012, in the framework of the project Chişinău’s Civic Center - Open air Cinema and comes as a result of the research realized in 2012 in the historical area of Chişinău, in the framework of the public space mapping workshop which was joined by young architects, sociologists, historians and urban planners:

dsc_1032The structure of the contemporary city contains a series of abandoned spaces, resulted from diverse process and dynamics. Part of those are spaces that did functioned at one moment as different forms of public space that had altered in time, loosing this quality. Their functional destiny presumes in most of the cases the inclusion of these spaces into the public circuit by their occupancy and transformation. In the framework of this workshop we debated and tested on site several ways of reclaiming them for uses similar with the initial one trough a series of punctual interventions.

1239700_171982516327435_1469867413_nDuring five days, the workshop developed in two stages, in the first part with discussions and site visits, and the second part being reserved for hands-on work, production and installation. Abandoned public structures have been repaired and extended in different spots of the park, with the helping hands of neighbors, children and adults alike. In the last day, trough a series of punctual actions, either as personalized urban games, different workshops, or the preparations for the final fest, the park has been reactivated as a people’s place, more than a short-cut for cars.


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