My Place - Ideas

Organizers: Cecilia Frâncu, Alin Voitescu
Tutors: Alex Axinte, Cristi Borcan, Mihai Bucur, Ruxandra Coman, Anna Eckenweber, Tudor Elian, Simina Purcaru.
Location: Centrul Cultural Carmen Sylva
Period: 20 October 2012

Within the project ‘My meeting place, a different place’ took place the exhibition ‘Point Zero’ organized by Sinaia-Athis Mons Association at Carmen Sylva Cultural Center in Sinaia.


The one day event organized consisted of an exhibition with similar examples, a series of presentations of past stages of the project, a workshop for local organizations and people, and an idea workshop for children.


Participants to the idea workshop imagined possible usages for three places in the Sf. Ilie neighborhood which had been identified on previous walks and exploring around the neighborhood within the previous action ‘My Place - At the Steps’ in 202 and in negotiations with The City Hall. Tree houses, flower gardens, playgrounds, sport fields, scenes for concerts, chess tables and skate parks - all these sketched an image of how the children see a space for youths in the neighborhood.


